Feb 18 2016 - West Bank Palestine
Walking home lost tonight I use the Separation Wall as my guide. It's a frightening walk because I hear Israeli soldiers talking and laughing on the other side. If you continue with the wall on your right you'll eventually reach Aida refugee camp. On the way you might encounter a series of stories written by women and youth known as the "Wall Museum". Here is my favorite story called The Pigeon written by Jennifer, Jumana, Rasha and Nisreen, 16 years:
There was a little boy who was holding his toy, a pigeon. While he was playing he had a dream. He dreamed about another world where he could talk about his toys and hobbies, his interests and his dreams, instead of talking about guns, blood and killing. A world where he could run and play with his friends. In that world was no war, no tanks, no rockets, and no shelling and bombing. A world full of peace. A bullet, an evil bullet came like a thief and entered his heart. It took his soul and his dream away. His pigeon was beside him, right there next to his motionless body. But the pigeon remembered the boy's dream, and came to life and flew away. It decided to tell his dream to the world. And it decided to make this dream come true.